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Family Group Night | January 14, 2024

South Main Baptist Church



Read it

Psalm 139:13-14

13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”


Discover It

There are many miraculous births in the Bible. John the Baptist, Samson, Isaac, and Samuel had miraculous births. Jesus’ miraculous birth at Christmas is celebrated worldwide. The birth of the Church in Acts 2 was certainly miraculous! And perhaps in the Bible the most miraculous birth of all, Spiritual Birth. And today’s scripture deals with a final miraculous birth which is simply the miracle of human birth. When you really think about it, what an astounding miracle! To be knit together in your mother’s womb and then to be born. A new soul, a new life, a complete and independent person created in the image of God! In Psalm 139, David writes under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, breathless with wonder. We have been born! What a miracle!


Ask It

1. David’s psalm is written in the form of a prayer. In verse 13 he tells the Lord what God already knows: “You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.” Why do you think human conception and growth in the womb is such a miracle?


2. In verse 14 David writes, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” What does it mean to be “fearfully” made? (Hint: “Fear” in this Bible verse means “reverential awe”). What does it mean to be “wonderfully” made? (Hint: “Wonder” in the Old Testament means, “a splendid work, a "miracle").


3. Because of this knowledge, David writes in verse 14, “I will praise you….” Why should we praise God when we think of his wondrous works like a baby growing in the room, or a sunrise each morning? Why do we sometimes “miss” the everyday miracles around us?


Live It

1. NOTICE GOD. Don’t take Him for granted. Keep Him in the forefront of your mind. Sometimes we forget Him because He is like the air that we breathe.


2. NOTICE GOD’S WORKS. They are all around us! Take a few moments to list the “everyday miracles” occurring around you each day (the birth of a child, the sunrise each day, etc.).


3. NOTICE GOD’S ACTIVITY IN YOUR LIFE. Read the Bible, pray, seek the Lord’s will, listen as He speaks back to you. And most importantly when you sense His leadership – follow!


Pray It

God of heaven and earth, you create every human life in your image. You knit us with care and sustain us each day. You shower us with gifts and look upon us with pride. You alone are the source of every good thing. You are our strength, our courage, and our hope. Lord, we lament for a world that does not recognize the value of every life, whether born or preborn. So, please soften hearts, reveal your truth, and make us ever faithful in our service to you. Help us to notice your miracles. Amen.


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Physical: 1000 S Main St.
Greenwood, SC 29646
Mailing: PO Box 1093

Greenwood, SC 29648
(864) 223-4377



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