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South Main Baptist Church

Family Group Night | OCTOBER 16, 2022



Read It

Ephesians 1:22-23

“And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”


Discover It

In our scripture for today, the Apostle Paul is writing a letter to followers of Jesus Christ who are in the city of Ephesus. This entire six-chapter document has two main themes. 1_ How to be saved, and 2_ How the saved ought to live. And in his discussion of salvation, Paul emphasized on fact clearly, “Jesus is the way of salvation.” But why should we trust Jesus as the way? Our two verses answer that question. Paul puts them at the end of a long paragraph where he esteems the power, might, love, holiness, grace, and forgiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ to bring us out of darkness and into life, forgiveness, meaning, direction, and salvation. Jesus is able! And in these two verses we are exhorted to be part of, “…the church, which is, His body, the fullness of Him who fill all in all.”


Ask It

1. Our scripture states that God the Father, “…put all things under Jesus’ (God the Son’s) feet.” What do you think that means? Is Jesus over all things? Is Jesus over you? How do you know?

2. Our scripture for today also states that God the Father, “…gave Him (Jesus Christ) to be head over all things to the church.” What does in mean that Jesus is the head of the church. Is Jesus the head over our church here at South Main? How do you know?

3. The word, “Church” refers the universal Church consisting of all believers everywhere. But this word also refers to a group of believers who gather locally to experience and express the love of Jesus Christ. Why is it important to be an active member of a local church?

4. Our scripture today speaks of the church as being Christ’s “body.” What is a body? What does a body do? How is the Church the “body of Christ?”


Live It

1. RECOGNIZE. Acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord over your life. Sit at His feet. Enjoy being under His protective care.

2. EXALT. Think of ways coronate Jesus as king of your life and in your church. He is over all and the head of the Church. Does your life and church involvement reflect His Lordship?

3. RENEW. Join a good church or reactivate your membership at your present church. God wants church member who will go and tell and serve; not those who just “sit and soak!”


Pray It

Heavenly Father. Forgive me for any apathy or stagnation in my life as a member of Your Church. Help me to exalt You in Your church by Your power and in my prayers and service. And reverse any stunted growth in the life of the members of this ministry in Jesus’ name. Oh Lord, baptize our church with your renewal and revival fires! In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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